Thulsi plant or Indian basil can be considered as the most and an inseparable part of Indian or Hindu Family and all traditions of Hindu Religion and activities of Hindu religion.
Tulsi is believed to be most endearing to
Lord Vishnu, and is worshipped every day by Hindu Families especially the Married women of Hindu Families.
Tulasi Leaves are widely used in ayurvedic medicinal formulations, as Tulasi is believed to be having medicinal value and considered to cure common ailments .Tulasi concoction is offered during prayer to gods and consumed as holy water after offering prayers every morning.
There are many Legends in propagation in Hindu mythology on the Tulasi. A wreath completely made of tulasi leaves is first offering to the Lord as part of the daily ritual one of the legend, say that Tulasi was the Re-incarnated embodiment of a princess who loved Lord Krishna, and consequently cursed by Radha the love of Lord Krishna.

The story of Shree Krishna thulabharam refers to Tulasi as to be equivalent to the weight of Lord Krishna and to be medium of helping
Satyabhama reclaiming Krishna from Sage Narada.
SatyaBhama Handing over Krishna: To win the love of lord Krishnaand with the hope and confidence to win him back, satybhama lends Krishna as a ritual, and was of opinion to claim him back with her wealth.
a person cremated with Tulsi twigs in his funeral pyre gains moksha (salvation) and a place in Vaikuntha (Vishnu’s abode)
It is believed that if a Tulsi stick is used to burn a lamp for Vishnu, it is equal to offerning lakhs of lamps in prayers for many Gods Worshiping Lord Vishnu after smearing the paste made of dried wood of Tulasi is equal to several pujas and lakhs of Godana (donation of cows).
When the water mixed with Tulasi leaf paste or leaves is given to the dying person it is said that the departing soul will raise to the heaven
Insulting or contempt of Tulasi brings onto one the wrath and anger of Vishnu. A prayer of forgiveness should be offered to Tulasi when it is plucked even for worship. It should not be destroyed or de-rooted. Waste things should not be thrown in the vicinity of the plant. The maintenance of the place in and around
Tulsi plant should be religious.
Getting moistened, sprinkled or anointed by Tulasi water will get the benefit of having taken a bath in all sacred rivers and performing all kinds of holy rituals and sacrifices.
Lord Vishnu will be pleased to be gifted with a leaf of Tulasi rather than 1000 jars of honey. Thus offering 1 leaf will beget the reward of offering million cows and if it is offered in Karthika month, the rewards will be of many folds.
Worshiping Lord Vishnu daily with a leaf of Tulasi will beget him the benefits of doing 100 thousand Ashwamedha (horse sacrifices). Similar benefits will be bestowed on the person who wears the necklace made of beads of Tulasi wood (Japamala).
Anyone who leaves his body holding a Tulasi leaf in his hands will be saved from all the sins he has committed.
Anyone who lies or breaks promises or give false evidences in the presence of Tulasi plant or by holding Tulasi will go to hell
If we worship Tulasi with her 8 names and their meanings (Vrinda, Vrindavani, Viswapavani, Viswapujita, Tualsi, Puspasara, Nandini and Krishna Jivani) will get the merit of performing Ashwamedha (horse sacrifice)
Whoever worships Tulasi on this auspicious day of Uttana Dwadashi will be freed from all the sins and shall get a seat in Vaikunta.
By hearing or recalling the Tulasi Shloka (hymn) a son will be born to a sonless, wife will be obtained by a wifeless, health will be restored to a diseased, freedom will be given to a prisoner, the terrified will get fearless and the sinners will be given salvation.
A tulsi leaf is added to any auspicious gift. A father also places a tulsi leaf in his daughter’s hand during the Kanyadaan – giving away of the daughter during a Hindu marriage ceremony.
The Tulsi plant is used in
Ayurveda for its various medicinal and healing properties.